Divulgação entre pares
Pereira C., Silva A., de Brito J., Silvestre J. Previsão e Factores de Influência da Urgência de Reparação de Anomalias em Rebocos Pintados na Envolvente de Edifícios, Conferência" Reabilitar e Construir de Forma Sustentável" (Construção 2018), Porto, Novembro de 2018.
Tavares J., de Brito J., Silva A. Modelos Computacionais Aplicados à Previsão da Vida Útil de ETICS, Jornadas das Engenharias da Academia Militar 2018, Amadora, Dezembro de 2018.
Silva A., de Brito J., Gaspar P. Prediction of Service Life of Building Claddings Using the Factor Method: A State of the Art, CIB World Congress 2019 - Constructing Smart Cities, Hong Kong, Junho de 2019.
Pereira C., Silva A., de Brito J., Flores-Colen I., Silvestre J. Contribution of Cracking and Spalling to the Degradation of Façade Claddings in Current Buildings, CIB World Congress 2019 - Constructing Smart Cities, Hong Kong, Junho de 2019.
Silva A., Prieto A. Application of the Factor Method to the service life prediction of external timber claddings, CIB World Congress 2019 - Constructing Smart Cities, Hong Kong, Junho de 2019.
de Brito J., Silva A., Gaspar P. Conceptualization of Service Life Prediction, Meeting of CIB W80 - Service Life Prediction, Hong Kong, Junho de 2019.
de Brito J., Silva A., Gaspar P. The Factor Method as a General Framework for Service Life Prediction: Past and Future Trends, Meeting of CIB W80 - Service Life Prediction, Hong Kong, Junho de 2019.
de Brito J., Flores-Colen I. CIB W86 Building Pathology Research Roadmap, Meeting of CIB W86 - Building Pathology, Hong Kong, Junho de 2019.
de Brito J., Flores-Colen I. New Trends on Building Pathology, Meeting of CIB W86 - Building Pathology, Hong Kong, Junho de 2019.
Pereira C., Brito J. de, Silvestre J. Global Inspection, Diagnosis and Repair System for Buildings: Homogenising the Classification of Diagnosis Methods, Congresso "Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management" (REHABEND 2020), Granada, Março de 2020.
Silva A.,Prieto A. J. Probabilistic approach to the service life prediction of timber claddings. XV DBMC, October 2020, Spain.
Ferreira C., Silva A., de Brito J., Neves L. C. Condition -based maintenance models for stone claddings. XV DBMC, 2020, Spain.
Carvalho C., de Brito J., Flores-Colen I., Pereira C. Vinyl and linoleum floorings in health infrastructures: maintenance recommendations based on fieldwork data. XV DBMC, 2020, Spain.
Pereira C., de Brito J., Silvestre J.D. Global inspection, diagnosis and repair system for buildings: homogenising the classification of repair techniques. XV DBMC, 2020, Spain.
Ferreira C., Silva A., de Brito J., Neves L. C. Impact of maintenance strategies on the serviceability of architectural concrete surfaces. Seventh International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, 2020, China.
Ferreira C., Silva A., de Brito J. Deterioration model of ETICS, based on stochastic Petri nets. Seventh International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, 2020, China.
Pereira C., de Brito J., Silvestre, J. Sistema Global de Inspecção, Diagnóstico e Reparação de Edifícios: Homogeneização de Matrizes de Correlação. 4º Encore, LNEC, 2020; Portugal.
Barrelas J., Dias I., Silva A., de Brito J., Flores-Colen I., Tadeu A. Impact of environmental exposure on the service life of façade claddings. GSCAEE, 2021, Spain.
Ferreira C., Neves L. C., Campos e Matos J., Silva A. Application of Petri nets to manage bridge decks. EUROSTRUCT, 2021, Italy.
Ferreira C., Dias I., Silva A., de Brito J., Flores-Colen I. Cost-benefit analysis of the means of access used in maintenance actions. LCM, 2021, Germany.
Ferreira C., Silva A., de Brito J. Influence of the buildings' height on the degradation and maintenance conditions of natural stone claddings. CEES, 2021, Portugal.
Pereira C., Silva A., Ferreira C., de Brito J., Flores-Colen I., Silvestre J. D. A probabilistic model to quantify uncertainty in building inspection and diagnosis. CEES, 2021, Portugal.